Never Sleeps

Our industry has changed dramatically over the 100+ years we’ve been in operation. The only constant has been a continuous need to develop custom solutions to help keep our clients working at peak efficiency and productivity. Here are some of the latest groundbreakers we’ve engineered and produced for our portfolio of clients.

Components for Blast Furnace & Coke Ovens

Problem: An iconic Canadian steel maker needed a variety of custom-engineered key components for its blast furnace and coke ovens.
We combined our elite engineering and fabricating capabilities with our specialized expertise in producing steel-making components to deliver a variety of solutions that perfectly addressed our client’s custom requirements.

Replacement Ship-Lock Valves

Problem: The Government of Canada had undertaken a $3-billion rehabilitation project of its 386 km long network of locks, bridges and dams. The original valves (lock valves) were supplied by a foundry in the UK about a hundred years ago and our workmanship needed to match the original specifications.
This exciting project required a full-on collaboration between our Foundry and Mine Equipment Divisions to bring the deliverable to fruition: the Foundry to cast the shell structure of the valve body and the Mine Equipment Division to make the valve spool structures. We successfully produced 14 replacement valves in total.

Pump Parts

Problem: New custom pump parts must often be engineered from scratch in response to evolving approaches and technologies.
We are a proud supplier to several different pump manufacturers and continue to assist with the development of a variety of new pump parts as required.

Lock-N-Load Hydraulic Holding System

Problem: We were contacted to design and supply a new cage for a mine in Mexico.
The new cage featured our patented Lock-N-Load hydraulic holding system. Making use of lightweight hydraulic clamps, Lock-N-Load holds the cage securely during load transfer.

Surge Storage Bins

Problem: A client required a series of large underground surge storage bins for a potash mine in Saskatchewan.
We custom-manufactured six bins, each capable of storing 1,500 metric tons of ore and around 45 feet tall. The project was completed on time and within budget.